![Vision Of YWMobile About Personal Mobility](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/visions/817867593ee8a390d68f5797e2d8fa1f-mobile-phone-791644.png)
Connecting all movement for your logistical needs. Taking care of not only your personal mobility, but also cars, delivery of products and food, that is traveling around you.
![Vision Of YWMobile About Personal Mobility](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/visions/0d817746c9cc3d3851f3cd2d325c78ca-business-3167295.png)
We create value to our partners that provide mobility services or that are preparing such services by providing more opportunities and experiences.
![Vision Of YWMobile About Personal Mobility](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/visions/032b80f9228c31b34483ac4771636edd-adult-3368246.png)
Creating a new ecosystem of transport by providing a transparent and fair platform that will satisfy all participants of multi-sided business, from consumers, suppliers and partners.
![YWMobile Feature About Car Service](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/273734b14d03b790b36d145139352db8-feature-1.png)
![YWMobile Feature At Bixby Service](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/098b54b16ccd309ab6c938eee8b8b5c0-feature-2.png)
![YWMobile Feature](/assets/images/views/landing/ywm/6197e8219d6f0c5ad6d9829b7bfb2f4c-feature-3.png)
Dedicated mobility application with consumer experience
Management Control Tool
Integrated management system that can be managed and controlled
Real Time Analysis
Real-time analysis of customer patterns to provide a balanced supply and demand
Operation And Optimization
Operation method and system integration according to customer requirements
Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Voice recognition call system and intelligent management system
Providing UX/UI optimized for mobility service